Expense Tracker:

Expense Tracker is an application that allows you to keep track of your expenses plus your incomes. With Expense Tracker you do not need to worry about overspending. It provides you a beautiful and user friendly interface where you can input your incomes, where it did it came from the location and the amount of the income plus the your expenses with name, amount, and the location. These information will be saved in a local database and displayed in a listView where you can view it and if no longer needed delete it. A statistcal report will be shown to you on your spending base on different criteria. Besides that, a peridocal report will be sent to you via a notification every week and day base on your own preference that you can set.


We have in total eight activities which are:

1.Splash Activty:

which is the splash of the application

2.Main Actvity:

Where we have our simple registration form

3.Home Activity:

the Home Activity is composed four fragments:


Transaction, Analysis, List, Profile


Where we have our entry form


Where we display the statistics of the expenses


Where we list the expenses


the profile info and the settings

4.Maps Activity:

to choose the maps using google maps

5.ViewExpense Activity:

to view a single expense

6.MyNotification Activty

to set a daily notification

6.WeeklyNotification Activity:

to set a weekly notification

6.Report Activity:

daily reports of expending and gain


intents are used to start actvities and pass data

Background Services/Threads:

Geocode: We have the Geocode to convert the longitude and latutide into addresse.


to fire our notification at a specific time or date


GPS: the GPS sensors which enable us to get the location


SQLite: to store the list of expenses


to store user informations

Notification and BroadCast Recevever:

to alert to user to check the report

Group Members:

Name:DIALLO Mamadou Bella
Email: mamadou-bella.diallo9@etu.cyu.fr
Name:DIAWARE Mourtalla Faty
Email: mourtalla-faty.diawara@etu.cyu.fr