👋 Hello there, I’m Diaz

About me

  • 👩‍💻 Currently working as a Software Developer - Frontend at Xtremax
  • 👀 I’m interested in web developer, web design, UI designer
  • 📫 Reach me on diazamaliana@gmail.com


  1. Xtremax Pte Ltd. | Jan 2022 - present
  2. Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa | Jul - Dec 2021
    • Frontend Engineer Participant at Generasi Gigih Batch 1.0
    • Selected as one of the 62 students who passed to the advanced phase (62 of 800+ students)
    • Completed 54 hours of GenerasiGIGIH Frontend Engineering Classes with Gojek Engineers.
    • Assigned to do an internship at Photon Indonesia.
  3. Photon Indonesia | Sept - Dec 2021
    • Built an internal project called Hiring Scheduler using Angular, Typescript, SCSS, also added unit tests using Karma and checked code coverage using SonarQube (80% more pass).
    • Wrote a widget specification front-end development requirement for project documentation.


  1. Universitas Gadjah Mada | Bachelor of Information Engineering

    • Assistant Lecturer of Human Computer Interaction | Feb - May 2020
    • Assistant Lecturer of Special Topic for Information Technology | Feb - May 2020
    • Assistant Tutorial of Electromagnetic Field | Feb - May 2019
    • Lab Assistant of Numerical Method | Feb - May 2019
    • Assistant Tutorial of Physics for Electrical Engineer • Sep - Des 2017
  2. SMAN 8 Yogyakarta | Mathematics and Natural Science

Languanges and Tools

css3 sass html5 pug

javascript typescript react vuejs

Social Media

in/diazamaliana/ diazam.portfolio diazamaliana @diazamaliana