
Contains MicroServices which send and receive cat names.

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Meow Micro 🐈

Contains MicroServices which send and receive cat names. The meow-client accepts requests via a REST API and uses GRPC to communicate with the meow-server.

It is used in the Distributed Tracing tutorial Setting up Distributed Tracing in Kubernetes with OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, and Ingress-NGINX, which goes over:

  • Ingress-Nginx Distributed Tracing
  • Instrumenting MicroServices
  • Viewing Traces

Running Locally

In order to run locally simply perform the following:

  1. Install Dependencies
    $ go install ...
  2. Start the server
    $ go run server/server.go
  3. Start the client in another terminal
    $ go run client/client.go
  4. Send a Request to the client
    $ curl -X POST -d '{"body": "Meow-Mixer"}'
  5. View the output of both in the terminal

Deploying to Kubernetes

I have included deployment scripts for deploying to Docker-Desktop Kubernetes. There are some pre-requisites required before running the below:

  • Docker-Desktop
  • Helm v3
  1. Install Ingress
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v0.45.0/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml
  1. Install Jaeger-All-In-One
$ kubectl apply -f jaeger/jaeger-all-in-one.yaml
  1. Update Ingress Config-Map
$ echo '
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: ConfigMap
    enable-opentracing: "true"
    jaeger-collector-host: jaeger-agent.default.svc.cluster.local              
    name: ingress-nginx-controller
    namespace: ingress-nginx
  ' | kubectl replace -f -
  1. Build Docker Images
$ make build
  1. Install via Helm Chart
$ make install

Testing Deployment Tracing

  1. Send a Request to the application
$ curl http://localhost/meow -X POST -d '{"name": "Meow-Mixer"}'
  1. Open Jaeger UI
$ open http://localhost:8081
  1. See the Traces


  1. Check items are correctly deployed
$ kubectl get all
$ kubectl get all -n ingress-nginx
  1. View the logs
$ kubectl logs -n ingress-nginx <ingress-controller>
$ kubectl logs <meow-server>
$ kubectl logs <meow-client>
  1. Exec into the meow-client pod
$ kubectl exec -it <meow-client> -- bash
  1. install grpcurl
$ go get github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/...
$ go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/cmd/grpcurl
  1. Verify you can access the GRPC Service
$ grpcurl -d '{"body": "Meow-Mixer"}' -plaintext meow-server-svc:5001 chat.ChatService/SayHello