
Personal development environment builder CLI application. Using custom designed JSON file to initialize local environment.

Primary LanguagePHP

Nardivan local environment creation tool


Installation command.

  1. Download and install package
    composer global require diazoxide/nardivan:dev-master

If you need to use nardivan as global bash command then you should add composer/vendor/bin directory to your user PATH

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin"
  1. Create nardivan.json file on your project root directory
      "directory": "public_html",
      "scripts": {
        "pre-update": [],
        "post-update": [],
        "pre-install": [],
        "post-install": []
      "environments-scripts": {
        "pre-update": [
          "echo 'Start global'"
        "post-update": [
          "if [ -f \"composer.json\" ]; then composer update; fi;",
          "if [ -f \"package.json\" ]; then npm install; fi;"
      "environments": [
          "target": "wp-content/themes/my-theme",
          "name": "my-repo-name",
          "git": {
            "url": "git@gitlab.com:my/custom/repo.git",
            "branch": "master"
          "scripts": {
            "pre-update": [
              "echo 'you custom command'"
            "post-update": [
              "echo 'your custom command'"
  2. Run installation command
    nardivan install
  3. Run update command
    nardivan update