
The Unified User Feedback AI Solver tool for MS Learn

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

[Preview] DeepSearchAI

This app is built on the Sample Chat App with AOAI GitHub project from which it was originally forked. It modifies Answer.tsx, Chat.tsx, and app.py to add URL parsing and enable back end searches for the chat. The "deep search" implementation is in deepsearchai.py. prompts.py contains the prompts used on its internal conversation during the key "deep search" implementation. And chat.py is where the Azure OpenAI API calls are made now, broken out of app.py since it is used there as well as in the deepsearchai implementation.

It automatically starts a conversation with the any contents given to the URL query string, allowing you to embed links with predefined conversation starting points. It then gives its best suggestion to answer the system prompt using that information, searching thoroughly and only responding when it can document everything it says with reference links to live URLs for the user to validate ground truth on its claims.

Deploy the app

Deploy from your local machine

Local Setup: Basic Chat Experience

  1. Copy .env.sample to a new file called .env and configure the settings as described in the environment variables section.

    These variables are required:

    • AZURE_OPENAI_KEY (optional if using Entra ID)

    These variables are optional:


    See the documentation for more information on these parameters.

  2. Start the app with start.cmd. This will build the frontend, install backend dependencies, and then start the app. Or, just run the backend in debug mode using the VSCode debug configuration in .vscode/launch.json.

  3. You can see the local running app at

NOTE: You may find you need to set: MacOS: export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192" or Windows: set NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192 to avoid running out of memory when building the frontend.

Local Setup: Bing searching

These variables are required for DeepSearchAI to work: - BING_SEARCH_KEY=<your-bing-search-key> - BING_SEARCH_ENDPOINT=<your-bing-search-endpoint>

Local Setup: Enable Chat History

To enable chat history, you will need to set up CosmosDB resources. The ARM template in the infrastructure folder can be used to deploy an app service and a CosmosDB with the database and container configured. You will also need to grant access to your Azure Web App's managed system identity to the Cosmos DB resource with the following command:

$resourceGroupName = '<your Cosmos DB resource group name' 
$accountName = '<name of your Cosmos DB>'
$subscription = '<your subscription_id>' # of the cosmos db

# <your object_id> is the system assigned identity of your app
# or for debugging on Windows, your user principal object ID in Azure.
$principalId = '<your object_id>' 

# Provides read/write access
$ roleDefinitionId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002' 

az cosmosdb sql role assignment create --account-name $accountName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --scope "/" --principal-id $principalId --role-definition-id $roleDefinitionId --subscription $subscription

# *** Optional ***

# These next lines will disable key authentication on Cosmos DB (for maximum security).
# This app uses managed identities with Entra ID to authenticate to Cosmos DB instead of less secure keys.

#$cosmosdb_id="/subscriptions/" + $subscription + "/resourceGroups/" + $resourceGroupName + "/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/" + $accountName
#az resource update --ids $cosmosdb_id --set properties.disableLocalAuth=true --latest-include-preview

Then specify these additional environment variables:


As above, start the app with start.cmd, then visit the local running app at Or, just run the backend in debug mode using the VSCode debug configuration in .vscode/launch.json.

Local Setup: Enable Message Feedback

To enable message feedback, you will need to set up CosmosDB resources. Then specify this additional environment variable:


Environment variables

Note: settings starting with AZURE_SEARCH are only needed when using Azure OpenAI on your data with Azure AI Search. If not connecting to your data, you only need to specify AZURE_OPENAI settings.

App Setting Value Note
AZURE_OPENAI_RESOURCE the name of your Azure OpenAI resource (only one of AZURE_OPENAI_RESOURCE/AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT is required)
AZURE_OPENAI_MODEL The name of your model deployment
AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT The endpoint of your Azure OpenAI resource (only one of AZURE_OPENAI_RESOURCE/AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT is required)
AZURE_OPENAI_MODEL_NAME gpt-35-turbo-16k The name of the model
AZURE_OPENAI_KEY One of the API keys of your Azure OpenAI resource (optional if using Entra ID)
AZURE_OPENAI_TEMPERATURE 0 What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. A value of 0 is recommended when using your data.
AZURE_OPENAI_TOP_P 1.0 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. We recommend setting this to 1.0 when using your data.
AZURE_OPENAI_MAX_TOKENS 1000 The maximum number of tokens allowed for the generated answer.
AZURE_OPENAI_STOP_SEQUENCE Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. Represent these as a string joined with "
AZURE_OPENAI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE You are an AI assistant that helps people find information. A brief description of the role and tone the model should use
AZURE_OPENAI_PREVIEW_API_VERSION 2024-02-15-preview API version when using Azure OpenAI on your data
AZURE_OPENAI_STREAM True Whether or not to use streaming for the response. Note: Setting this to true prevents the use of prompt flow.
BING_SEARCH_KEY The key for your Bing Search resource.
BING_SEARCH_ENDPOINT The endpoint for your Bing Search resource.
UI_TITLE DeepSearchAI Chat title (left-top) and page title (HTML)
UI_LOGO Logo (left-top). Defaults to Contoso logo. Configure the URL to your logo image to modify.
UI_CHAT_LOGO Logo (chat window). Defaults to Contoso logo. Configure the URL to your logo image to modify.
UI_CHAT_TITLE Start chatting Title (chat window)
UI_CHAT_DESCRIPTION This chatbot is configured to answer your questions Description (chat window)
UI_FAVICON Defaults to Contoso favicon. Configure the URL to your favicon to modify.
UI_SHOW_SHARE_BUTTON True Share button (right-top)
UI_SHOW_CHAT_HISTORY_BUTTON True Show chat history button (right-top)
SANITIZE_ANSWER False Whether to sanitize the answer from Azure OpenAI. Set to True to remove any HTML tags from the response.