Remote Gym

Utility to run gym environments from a different location than the agent. Useful if environment has been installed:

  • in a different conda environment
  • in a Docker container
  • even a different machine (over ssh)!

Quick Setup

On both the remote and local client, install the package:

pip install git+

On the remote client, start the server:

remote_gym_server # starts the server on port 8000 by default

On the local client, you can now connect:

from remote_gym.http_client import RemoteEnv
env = RemoteEnv.make('CartPole-v0', url='')

Uses HTTP requests to communicate between the client and server (might add rpyc also in the future).

Docker Setup

A Dockerfile is provided to help isolate your server in a Docker container.

docker run -p 8000:8000 --gpus all -it dibyaghosh/docker_gym_base

If you want to put your own environment in the container, you can simply start from this base image and install your own environment:

FROM dibyaghosh/docker_gym_base
pip install your_env