
What is K-Means algorithm?

Say you are given a data set where each observed example has a set of features, but has no labels. Labels are an essential ingredient to a supervised algorithm like Support Vector Machines, which learns a hypothesis function to predict labels given features. So we can't run supervised learning. What can we do?

One of the most straightforward tasks we can perform on a data set without labels is to find groups of data in our dataset which are similar to one another -- what we call clusters.

K-Means is one of the most popular "clustering" algorithms. K-means stores $k$ centroids that it uses to define clusters. A point is considered to be in a particular cluster if it is closer to that cluster's centroid than any other centroid.

K-Means finds the best centroids by alternating between (1) assigning data points to clusters based on the current centroids (2) chosing centroids (points which are the center of a cluster) based on the current assignment of data points to clusters.