Primary LanguagePython

Multi-Hop Reasoning in Knowledge Graphs with Literals


git clone https://github.com/dice-group/LitCQD
conda create -n litcqd python=3.8 && conda activate litcqd
pip3 install torch==1.9.0 --find-links https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip3 install bidict==0.21.3  gensim==4.1.2
pip3 install ray[tune]==1.9.1 simple-parsing==0.0.17 tqdm==4.62.0
pip3 install tensorboardX==2.4.1 tensorboard==2.7.0 protobuf==3.20.3

Reproduce the results

Please refer to the final_scripts/final_script.sh. To config the save path of pre-trained models, please refer to config.py and set the corresponding variables.

Datasets and Pre-trained Models

wget https://hobbitdata.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/LitCQD/checkpoints_FB15K-237.zip
unzip checkpoints_FB15K-237.zip
wget https://hobbitdata.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/LitCQD/data.zip
unzip data.zip
unzip checkpoints_FB15K-237.zip
  • data/FB15k-237-q2b contains the FB15K-237 dataset including generated queries provided by the authors of the Query2Box paper. They can be downloaded here.
  • data/scripts/generated: Generated queries for different datasets used in this thesis.
  • data/scripts/data:
    • numeric: The numeric attribute data from different sources.
    • relational: The relational data for the FB15K-237 and LitWD1K datasets.
    • textual: The textual descriptions and entity names form different sources.


The FB15K-237 data provided by Query2Box is described as the following by the authors:

  • train.txt/valid.txt/test.txt: KG edges
  • id2rel/rel2id/ent2id/id2ent.pkl: KG entity relation dicts
  • train-queries/valid-queries/test-queries.pkl: defaultdict(set), each key represents a query structure, and the value represents the instantiated queries
  • train-answers.pkl: defaultdict(set), each key represents a query, and the value represents the answers obtained in the training graph (edges in train.txt)
  • valid-easy-answers/test-easy-answers.pkl: defaultdict(set), each key represents a query, and the value represents the answers obtained in the training graph (edges in train.txt) / valid graph (edges in train.txt+valid.txt)
  • valid-hard-answers/test-hard-answers.pkl: defaultdict(set), each key represents a query, and the value represents the additional answers obtained in the validation graph (edges in train.txt+valid.txt) / test graph (edges in train.txt+valid.txt+test.txt)

Query Generation

To generate the complex queries in data/scripts/generated, the python script data/scripts/main.py has been used. It requires yaml configuration files. For example, using the following configuration, the script generates queries for the FB15K-237 dataset and the attribute and descriptions data provided by LiteralE:

  name: PickleMappings # rel2id/ent2id mappings are stored as pickle files
  header: False # triples csv file does not have a header line
  path: data/relational/FB15K-237
  has_inverse: True # contains reciprocal relations
  add_inverse: False # add reciprocal relations
  add_attr_exists_rel: False # add facts representing the existence of an attribute
  name: literale
  path: data/numeric/LiteralE
  normalize: True # apply min-max normalization
  valid_size: 1000
  test_size: 1000
  path: data/textual/LiteralE
  name_path: data/textual/DKRL
  google_news: True # use word embeddings based on Google News or use self-trained
  jointly: False # Generated queries for joint learning
  valid_size: 1000
  test_size: 1000
  name: file # store output as csv files
  path: test_output
    generate: True # generate complex queries
    path: test_output
    print_debug: True
    complex_train_queries: False # generate complex queries for training data; required by Query2Box

Which configuration file to use needs to be changed in data/scripts/main.py.


checkpoints_FB15K-237/checkpoint_orig_cqd_official contains the pre-trained CQD model made publicly available as described here.

checkpoints_FB15K-237 contains checkpoints for the CQD and Query2Box approaches evaluated in this thesis. The Query2Box-based approaches have a _q2b postfix. The approaches using description data have a _desc or _desc_trained postfix if they are not using the word embeddings based on Google News.

checkpoints_litwd1k contains checkpoints for the different attribute models evaluated.

Reproducing the results in the thesis

The train scripts do not have to be run to reproduce the results as the pre-trained models are part of the repository.

Sections 5.3 - 5.6 (Different Attribute Models)

  • attribute_prediction_train.sh: Trains the different approaches using a grid search as described in the thesis.
  • attribute_prediction_results.sh: Evaluate the trained models from attribute_prediction_train.sh by computing their achieved MRR and MAE on 1p and 1ap test queries of the LitWD1K dataset.

Section 5.7 (CQD)

  • cqd_train.sh: Train the approaches using CQD for the different datasets and word embeddings.
  • cqd_results.sh: Evaluates the trained models on complex (attribute) queries and performs the other evaluations mentioned in the thesis. This includes answering the two example queries using eval_attribute_filtering_example.py and eval_description_embeddings_example.py.
  • cqd_results_other.sh: Other evaluations not mentioned in the thesis.

Section 5.8 (Query2Box)

  • query2box_train.sh: Train the Query2Box-based approach with and without the attribute model.
  • query2box_results.sh: Evaluates the trained model on complex (attribute) queries and lists box sizes of some attributes as reported in the thesis.
  • query2box_results_other.sh: Other evaluations not mentioned in the thesis.

Other scripts

The files in data/scripts like normalize.py and normalize_error.py provide further means for manual evaluation. attr_query_stats.py also reports the MAE a random guesser achieves when answering the attribute value prediction queries.

Visualization & Grid Search Results

To create the graphics in the thesis based on the results of the grid search, the Jupyer Notebook Visualization/plot.ipynb is used. The csv files are a copy-paste from the console output of ray tune after finishing the grid search.

The implementation is based on the publicly available implementation of Query2Box (Link) .

Query answering results

Query answering results with different attribute embedding models for multihop entity queries without literals. Results were computed for test queries over the FB15k-237 dataset and evaluated in terms of mean reciprocal rank (MRR) and Hits@k for k ∈ {1, 3, 10}.

Method Average 1p 2p 3p 2i 3i ip pi 2u up
CQD 0.295 0.454 0.275 0.197 0.339 0.457 0.188 0.267 0.261 0.214
LitCQD 0.301 0.457 0.285 0.202 0.350 0.466 0.193 0.274 0.266 0.215
Query2Box 0.213 0.403 0.198 0.134 0.238 0.332 0.107 0.158 0.195 0.153
CQD 0.211 0.354 0.198 0.137 0.235 0.354 0.130 0.186 0.165 0.137
LitCQD 0.215 0.355 0.206 0.141 0.245 0.365 0.129 0.193 0.168 0.135
Query2Box 0.124 0.293 0.120 0.071 0.124 0.202 0.056 0.083 0.094 0.079
CQD 0.322 0.498 0.297 0.208 0.380 0.508 0.195 0.290 0.287 0.230
LitCQD 0.330 0.506 0.309 0.214 0.395 0.517 0.204 0.296 0.295 0.235
Query2Box 0.240 0.453 0.214 0.142 0.277 0.399 0.111 0.176 0.226 0.161
CQD 0.463 0.656 0.422 0.312 0.551 0.656 0.305 0.425 0.465 0.370
LitCQD 0.472 0.660 0.439 0.323 0.561 0.663 0.315 0.434 0.475 0.379
Query2Box 0.390 0.623 0.356 0.259 0.472 0.580 0.203 0.303 0.405 0.303

Query answering results for multihop entity queries with literals. Our best-performing model Complex-N3 + Attributes (KBLRN) using standard deviation computed by the all values of attributes from data/scripts/data/numeric/KBLRN/FB15K_NumericalTriples.txt is compared to variations thereof. Results were computed for test queries over the FB15k-237 dataset and evaluated in terms of Hit@10.

Method ai-lt ai-eq ai-gt 2ai aip pai au
LitCQD 0.405 0.361 0.317 0.335 0.182 0.463 0.256
- w/o attribute filter predictor 0.280 0.005 0.237 0.148 0.123 0.421 0.054
- w/o attribute existence predictor 0.206 0.137 0.128 0.104 0.165 0.470 0.120
- w/o both 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.051 0.412 0.003
- with attribute-specific standard deviation 0.405 0.232 0.329 0.216 0.174 0.320 0.212

Query answering results for multihop literal queries for test queries over the FB15k-237 dataset evaluated in terms of mean absolute error (MAE) and mean squared error (MSE). Query2Box uses the attributes of KBLRN dataset.

methods 1ap MAE 1ap MSE 2ap MAE 2ap MSE 3ap MAE 3ap MSE
LitCQD 0.050 0.011 0.034 0.005 0.041 0.007
Mean Predictor 0.338 0.141 0.344 0.140 0.359 0.151