
An example extension for dlauncher

Primary LanguageRust

Dlauncher Example Extension

In this repo you can find an example extension that should work for Dlauncher. Extensions as of now are pretty weird and jank, yet they do work.

The code is full of comments which should be helpful in guiding you to creating your own extension later.


Dlauncher will need a .so file to run your extension, so you will need to have the following in your Cargo.toml

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

This is already included in this example repository.

Go ahead and clone the repository and build it.

git clone https://github.com/diced/dlauncher-extension
cargo build --release


After this you can find the file at target/release/libdlauncher_zws.so

You will need to modify your ~/.config/dlauncher/dlauncher.toml's main.extensions property to have libdlauncher_zws.so inside of its array.

# ...
extensions = ["libdlauncher_zws.so"]
# ...

Now copy the .so to ~/.config/dlauncher/extensions/ and restart Dlauncher.

cp target/release/libdlauncher_zws.so ~/.config/dlauncher/extensions/
pkill dlauncher

Now you can type "zero" and you can see it pop up at the bottom.

Extra Stuff

In the extension I added some stuff for prefixes and such, which aren't used in this extension, yet it is used as an example for extensions that want to use a prefix.

I encourage you to explore the dlauncher documentation to see what is possible, since you can do pretty much anything you want.

Docs: https://docs.rs/dlauncher