
Flameshot Uploader - Allows using SXCU files to upload images

Primary LanguageRust

Flameshot Uploader (fu)

Allowing you to supply a .sxcu file for uploading files with Flameshot


fu 1.0.0


    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    add        Add an SXCU compatible uploader
    default    Set an uploader as the default one
    delete     Delete an uploader
    full       Screenshot the entire screen
    gui        Screenshot a specific region
    help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    screen     Screenshot the entire desktop
    show       Show all uploaders


There are many features that SXCU supports, yet fu doesn't, like regexes, and non multipart/form-data bodies. I hope to add these later down the line.

  • Support $regex:*$
  • Support $json:*$
  • Support $response$ - when the request doesn't have json (text/plain)
  • Support other uploading options other than multipart/form-data

Adding SXCU Files

You can either move the .sxcu file into ~/.fu/uploaders or run the command

fu /path/to/uploader.sxcu

Removing Uploaders

The name will be the <name>.sxcu

fu uploader

Show all uploaders

fu show

The default uploader will be bolded to differentiate it from other uploaders

Set a default uploader

fu default uploader

If there is no default uploader, it will just take a screenshot and copy the image to the clipboard

Taking screenshots


Use the Flameshot GUI to take a screenshot of a certain region. You can append the -n/--no-upload flag to not upload files using the default uploader.

fu gui


Take a screenshot of the entire desktop

fu gui


Take a screenshot of everything

fu gui

Configuration File

save_path = "/home/diced/Pictures"
default = "upload"
clipboard_backend = "XCLIP"
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.png"
notify = true


The path images will be saved to. When running fu for the first time it will set it to $HOME/Pictures


The default uploader to use.


It can be either XCLIP or XSEL. This is based on your preference, yet XCLIP will copy images directly to the clipboard if no default uploader is set.


The date format images should be saved as. For more reference visit chrono::format::strfttime.


Whether or not to send a notification when any screenshot actions are performed.


This tool assumes that you have flameshot and xsel/xclip.