
light file server made in rust ❤️

Primary LanguageRust


a light file server made in rust

feature set

  • users
  • fully customizable
  • fast
  • low memory footprint


Quick setup with docker-compose

docker-compose up --build -d


Build light by just running

cargo build --release

prebuilt binaries

Prebuilt binaries can be found in GitHub Releases. Only for linux.

And run the executable found in target/release/light


Provided there is a light.example.toml which you should rename to light.toml. All values do have default values.

default config values

These default values should be perfect to run in docker as you only need to run one command (docker compose) and you will have it running.

host = ""
postgres_uri = "postgresql://light:light@postgres/light"
admin_key = "1234"
uploads_dir = "./uploads"
uploads_route = "/i"
token_length = 12
file_length = 5


creating a user

Make a POST request to /api/create_user with a JSON body of the following contents below. You will need to also include an Authorization header with your admin_key from the config.

  "username": "asdf"

If the user already exists, then you will receieve an error. If the user doesn't exist, then you will receieve your authentication token.

uploading a file

You can upload a file by using multipart/form-data, an example using cURL:

curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "authorization: user token" -F file=@"pog.png" "localhost:8000/upload"

deleting a file

You can delete an image by sending the DELETE method instead to the file route, usually being /i/{file}

where are files?

Files are located at /i/{file} by default, yet you can change /i to anything you want in the config.

api routes

Route Method Body Type (Only on POST) Description
/upload POST multipart/form-data Upload a file
/user POST application/json Create a user
/user DELETE application/json Delete a user
/user PATCH application/json Regen a user token
/{upload view route}/{file} GET Get file
/{upload view route}/{file} DELETE Delete a file