
This is a Spin app for doing browser-to-browser WebRTC video calls. It uses websocket-bridge and Redis to establish indirect connections between peers, which the client-side code uses to exchange WebRTC signaling messages (e.g. SDP and ICE handshakes) and thereby establish direct peer-to-peer connections for exchanging audio and video data.

Building and Running


First, start websocket-bridge, configuring it to allow traffic to the Spin server we'll run in the next step. Note that the --allowlist option takes a regular expression (and can be specified multiple times), so be sure to escape any dots in the name (e.g. foo.example.com -> foo\.example\.com).

RUST_LOG=info websocket-bridge \
    --address \
    --base-url https://$YOUR_WEBSOCKET_BRIDGE_SERVER:9443 \
    --allowlist 'https://$YOUR_SPIN_SERVER_WITH_DOTS_ESCAPED:9534/.*'

Next, build and run this app using Spin, specifying the URL of your Redis server and the hostname of your websocket-bridge server.

spin build
spin up \
    --follow-all \
    --listen \
    --tls-cert $PATH_TO_YOUR_SPIN_TLS_CERT \

Finally, visit https://$YOUR_SPIN_SERVER/ in a modern browser on a couple of devices, and you should have a video call running. If anything goes wrong, please file an issue in this repo!