Ports required for Openshift Cluster
Open ports on the network which will be used to setup Openshift Cluster.
22 TCP
53 or 8053 TCP/UDP
80 or 443 TCP
1936 TCP
4001 TCP
2379 and 2380 TCP
4789 UDP
8443 TCP
10250 TCP
To get more details understanding on ports for Openshift, refer this link https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/install/prerequisites.html
Install Openshift 3.11 on CentOS
Provision 'n' number of nodes. In this example, I created 3 CentOS nodes on AWS. You need to make necessary changes to be able to login on CentOS with 'root' user account.
Note: This is not recommended in production environment
Enable root acccess in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. Uncomment below setting in the file. Login with centos user and run these commands.
$ sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin yes #Uncomment this line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and save it.
$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
By default IAM doesn't allow to login with root user on EC2 instances but you can use the authroized_keys of centos user to access it.
$ sudo -s
$ cp /home/centos/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Now you are ready to login with root user with the same private keys which you have used for centos user. Similarly, enable root access on each node which will be part of Openshift Cluster.
Install git and checkout arunvdsharma/openshift-centos project on the Master node
$ yum install -y git
$ git clone https://github.com/arunvdsharma/openshift-centos.git
$ cd openshift-centos
Note: If there is error of "bad characters" while running any script command, execute sed command to remove bad characters, for example:
$ sed -i -e 's/\r$//' install-tools.sh
Don't forget to give executable permission first, if it's already not given. install-tools.sh file installs all the pre-requisites required to setup Openshift 3.11 on CentOS. Ensure that you are logged in with root user.
$ chmod +x install-tools.sh
$ ./install-tools.sh
Copy install-tools.sh from one node to another one so you can run install pre-requisites on every nodes. Replace host_ip with you node's ip address or hostname.
#To ssh from one node to another using .pem file
$ scp -i keypair.pem install-tools.sh root@host_ip:~/
$ ssh -i Openshift-keypair.pem root@host_ip
$ ./install-tools.sh
Update DOMAIN_NAME in the inventory file
You may want to configure new domain name, you can replace it. In my case, domain name I used is aruntechhub.xyz which I have procured on a DNS provider.
There are multiple inventory files in the repository. You can choose one, customize it according to your needs and rename it with inventory.ini. The same inventory file will be used to install Openshift cluster.
Replace your domain name with the following properties in inventory file:
Once all the changes are done, you are all set to install Openshift. Run the following commands on master node:
$ chmod +x install-openshift.sh
$ ./install-openshift.sh
If all the ansible jobs are successful, you can access Openshift dashboard on https://console.your_domain_name