Technology Radar app enables you to have a radar of various technologies used by the Organization. It also has an ability to have different groups having their own technology radar and have different Status -- Adopt, Trail, Assess and Hold and different categories -- Tools,Techniques,Platforms and Languages.
The app has a landing page that displays all the groups that belong to the organization and by clicking on the group it will take you to the radar for that group. By default this a view only mode, but to have ability to add/edit groups and the radar details, there is an admin mode.
/ or /#/groups -- Landing page with the list of groups /#/radar/<group_name> -- Technology radar for that group /#/admin -- Loads the landing page in Admin mode -- that enables you to add/edit group from the landing page and when navigated to the radar page(/#/radar/aurora?update=true) from here it adds a flag ?update as true and the radar is also in edit mode. This app is an AngularJS based Flask application running on SQLite DB that can be easily switched to real time DB.
/groups [GET] -- List of Groups in the Organization /groups [POST] -- Create groups based on the JSON ({groups: ["TEST", "TESTGROUP"]}) passed /groups/delete [POST] -- Delete groups based on the group name in JSON ({groups: "testgroup"}) passed /technology?group=<group_name>[GET] -- Get the list of Technologies for that group /technology[POST] -- Create a technology for the group based on the JSON sent({"category":"Tools","status":"Adopt","tech":{"description":""},"group":"cloud","technology":"GIT","description":""}) /technology?update=true[POST] -- Update a technology for the group based on the JSON sent({"category":"Tools","status":"Adopt","tech":{"description":""},"group":"cloud","technology":"GIT","description":""}) /technology/delete[POST] -- Delete a technology for a given group /table -- USED ONLY TO CREATE TABLES FOR THE FIRST TIME. DON'T USE IT ONCE TABLES ARE CREATED.
For Build Process [NodeJS] -- For Build Process [Grunt] -- Minify and Concat all the assets
Based on the technology used for development [Docker] -- For Container based development setup, download docker
Make sure to have [NodeJS] and [Grunt] installed to build all the assets needed for the application. Once you have the above downloaded, do the following
cd technolody-radar
npm install
This will minify and concat all the css and js needed for the application and place it under static/assets/.
To have code deployed in container based development use docker.
- You need to have docker installed and have the process running.
- Make sure to have the Dockerfile, and requirements.txt all in level.
- If you want to use a DB then update the values for the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI in with the DB info. For example for a SQL Db it would be of the following format SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://username:password@ip-address/db_name'
- Use the dockerfile and run the following once inside the deployment folder docker build --tag=tech-radar .
- Run docker with sudo docker run -p 80:8080 -d tech-radar
Once above is completed, you should have your app up and running.
Based on basic tech radar app created by [tnunamak/tech-radar].
Open source under Apache License v2.0 (