Script to install security tools, and other Ubuntu goodies.
**Supports 14.10 and 14.04 and 15.04.
Use the ubuntu-pentest-tool-15.04.sh for the Ubuntu 15.04 Use the ubuntu-pentest-tool-14.XX for Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 (will not be maintained but still useful)
Any suggestions to add more tools, or else, please don't hesitate to contact me. Will be maintained to the best of my ability.
To install metasploit, just run the following command. (yourdirectory)/MSF-Installer/msf_install.sh -i -p your_password -r
how to use this script:
- chmod +x ubuntu-pentest-tools-XX-XX.sh then sudo ./ubuntu-pentest-tools-XX-XX.sh
Thanks to Beginthread, FrostLapin for testing.
Also, i will be testing a bunch of stuff in my lab, so if you want to follow, come see my blog at https://madmantm.wordpress.com/
Note : Thanks for the people who reports issues with files or missing programs in folders, it's really appreciated.