
This app is an implementation of React with Supabase, simply have Authentication and CRUD operation.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


ExpenseApp is an app to see you expense history, income history and help you notes what you're buying lately💰

I built this only on weekend and sometimes at night to spend my lonely time as a Frontend Developer

What's For

This app is an implementation of React with Supabase, simply have Authentication and CRUD operation.


  • Vite ⚡
  • React ⚛️
  • Supabase 🔥
  • TailwindCSS 💨
  • Miscellaneous 🔌
    • Framer Motion 🎞️
    • Jotai 👻
    • Headless UI 🔋
    • React Hot Toast 🔔
    • React Hook Form 📃


  • Signin
  • Signup
  • Signout
  • Read Expense
  • Write Expense
  • Update Expense
  • Delete Expense
  • Read Expense History
  • Write Expense History
  • Delete Expense History
  • Update Expense History
  • Update User Profile Picture
  • Update User Username
  • Update User Email
  • Update User Password
  • Forgot Password
  • oAuth with Google and GitHub

Develop on your local machine

  1. Register to Supabase
  2. Get your projects' Anon Key and your Supabase project URL
  3. Paste it on .env.file
  4. Create table expense, with 6 columns:
    1. id (uuid) default value: uuid_generate_v4() as primary key
    2. user_id (uuid) relation with user.id
    3. history_id (uuid) mark as unique
    4. created_at (timestamptz) default value: now() mark as allow nullable
    5. title (text)
    6. total_money (int4)
  5. Create table history, with 6 columns:
    1. id (uuid) default value: uuid_generate_v4() as primary key
    2. expense_id (uuid) relation with history.history_id
    3. created_at (timestamptz) default value: now() mark as allow nullable
    4. source (text)
    5. type (text) this actually should be 2(income, and outcome), default value: income
    6. amount (int4)
  6. Create bucket profiles
  7. Inside profiles bucket, create folder avatar
  8. Create policies for tables and bucket
    1. soon..


PR's are always open