Programmatically generate beautiful header images for blogs or social media accounts.
- About
- Getting started
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing
- Code of Conduct
- Code Style
- Documentation
- Testing
- Changelog
Generate beautiful header images for blogs or social media accounts from the commandline, using the ascii_to_svg library.
Documentation can be found here.
in the project root directory for license information.
Execute command gem install algoheader
to install.
Executing algoheader
with no options will generate a config file in your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
directory with
a default color scheme information as well as 50 SVG files with various designs.
To get a full list of options, execute command:
algoheader -h
For example, the following command will use the specified config file to generate 42 SVGs and associated PNGs to the specified output directory:
algoheader --config config.yml --directory output/ --images 42 --raster
# Shorthand
algoheader -c config.yml -d output/ -i 42 -r
All contributions are welcome, but are merged at the discretion of the core contributor(s). Contributions to the project will be judged on their merits without respect to a contributor's publicly or privately held beliefs, opinions, ideology, nationality, ethnicity, or demographic. Most communications within the project should be limited to project planning, development, bugfixing, or other relevant topics; for off-topic discussions, contributors are expected to use good judgement and to avoid intentionally abusive behavior. Conflict should be resolved at the lowest level possible with minimal disruption to the project. Core contributor(s) reserve the right to request that a contributor alter their behavior, however, nothing in this code of conduct should be construed in such a manner that it infringes upon any contributor's freedom of expression.
To keep a consistent code style, it is recommended to use
rubocop. If you use vim
syntastic, you
can use rubocop
as a Ruby checker. To manually run rubocop
, you
can run the following commands:
# Run rubocop for the entire project
bundle exec rubocop
# Run rubocop for a specific file
bundle exec rubocop foo/bar.rb
Comment any code contributions according to the existing conventions within the project. Reference the examples listed below:
Example top-level comment:
# = ClassNameGoesHere
# Author:: [Author Information]
# Copyright:: Copyright [Year] [Author Information]
# License:: GNU Public License 3
# This is a class that is something and does something.
Example method comment:
# This is a method that does something
Documentation should be regenerated prior to merging any branches into master. The latest
documentation auto-sources off the docs/
folder on
the master branch. For more information on RDoc, go
# Run custom rake task to regenerate RDoc documentation
rake rdoc
NOTE: The test suite has yet to be implemented.
Integration tests should be written for all classes and methods. The test suite
can be run manually bundle exec rake test
or automatically using guard bundle exec guard
- Implement test suite.
- Released initial version