This is what we want, a simple library with external dependencies (axios) that
- Can be consumed as ECMScript module by a browser with dependencies bundled
- Can be consumed as ECMScript module in Node.js WITHOUT dependencies bundled.
- Parcel is great for bundling a lib WITHOUT dependencies
- VITE is great for bundling a lib WITH dependencies Lets use both
To fully undstand what is going on, why this work.
- Try out the example
- Read paragraph "Library Mode" in the official documentations should
Clone the git repo.
npm install
npm run build
In the projects working directory run
npx serve
Load and use the library in the browser
<script type="module">
import { getUsers } from "./dist/my-lib-browser.js";
const users = await getUsers();
function addUser(user) {
const tr = document.createElement("tr");
tr.innerHTML = ` <td>${user.first_name}</td>