
simple wiki API

Primary LanguagePython

Simple backend for a wiki.

My first Flask application :)

Main code is in wiki/wiki.py. Unit test suite is wiki_tests.py.

Developed against Python 3.4.2 with Flask 0.12.2 on Debian 8. Also tested using Python 2.7.9 on Debian, and Python 3.4.3 on Windows 10 64 bit.

Trying it out interactively

Starting on Linux

(This will probably also work on Mac OS X; I haven't checked yet).

virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --editable .
python wiki_tests.py
FLASK_APP=wiki FLASK_DEBUG=true flask run # omit FLASK_DEBUG in production

Starting on Windows

virtualenv venv
pip install --editable .
python wiki_tests.py
set FLASK_APP=wiki\wiki.py
set FLASK_DEBUG=true # don't do this on a production server
flask run

Exercising the server using curl

After successfully starting the server above, you can try it using curl. These commands work the same on Linux and Windows if you have curl installed. (Interestingly single quote escaping on the JSON values won't work on Windows). These commands assume the server started on port 5000.

curl # should return []
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"content\":\"hello\"}"
curl # should now show test
curl # should show at least one timestamp
curl # or you can use a timestamp float

Implementaiton notes

The main ways the app can fail have explicit error pages, with JSON content and suitable HTTP error codes. There are a few ways the server can throw other exceptions, and in those cases Flask will turn the abitrary errors into HTTP 500 error pages.

Written to minimise the number of pylint error pages. On a program of this size I may not have used as many docstring comments as I have here.