
Easy Turn-Based AI for GameMaker Studio 2.x

Primary LanguageGame Maker Language

GMStrategist: AI Toolkit for GameMaker Studio 2.x


GMStrategist is an open-source library that aims to implement common AI algorithms for GameMaker Studio. This facilitates the development of puzzle, board game and other turn-based AIs.

Currently Supported Algorithms:

  • MCTS: A highly configurable and flexible tree-search algorithm capable of general gameplay. This method is best suited for new games without established theory and/or an obvious means of valuation.
  • Minimax: The classic heuristic tree-search algorithm. This method is best suited for games with established theory or an obvious means of valuation.


  • GameMaker Studio 2.2 and above


Search for GMStrategist on the YoYo Marketplace. Install it and export all of its resources into your project.

Known Issues

  • Asynchronous trial play crashes on Runtime due to a bug in asynchronous messages.

Contributing to GMStrategist

GMStrategist welcomes pull requests for bug fixes and additional general algorithms.

  • Clone this repository.
  • Open the project in GameMaker Studio and make your additions/changes as a sub-group in the GMStrategist group (essential scripts and objects only).
  • Export the entire GMStrategist group (essential scripts and objects only) to the GMStrategist extension.
  • Open a pull request.

In order to ensure general interoperability, please work in local scope whenever possible, and minimize all use of instance and global scopes.