
List of Design Pattern written in Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Golang Design Pattern

This repository contains list of design pattern implemented in Golang Reference:

  1. https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/
  2. https://golangbyexample.com/all-design-patterns-golang/

Key Points

Creational Design Pattern

  1. Abstract Factory
    • Use this when we want to handle with a lot kind of objects but also we want to omit dependency to concrete class when trying to create the objects
    • Benefit:
      1. We can be sure that objects created by the factory will be compatible with each other
      2. We can avoid tight coupling between client and concrete class
      3. Open Closed Principle: we can easily add objects without changing the existing code
      4. Single Responsibility Principle: creation of objects only handled in one class
  2. Factory
    • Use this when:
      1. We don't know exactly which object we are going to be depend on:
        • Factory design pattern separates construction of objects and the code that uses the object, so any addition of objects can be done easily
      2. We provide a library: we wanted the client to be able to put their own object plugin with they provide their own behaviour of the object
      3. We can reuse objects
        • It's better to use factory's createObjects() method instead of constructor, since constructor should always return new object.
        • for example if we already created database connections and we want to reuse the connections
    • Benefit:
      1. Avoid tight coupling between concrete object and business logic code
      2. Single Responsibility Principle
        • We separate objects creation into separate place, so that the object creator only have 1 reason to change
      3. Open Closed Principle
        • We can easily add objects with its behaviour without changing the business logic code
  3. Builder
    • Use this when:
      1. We need flexibility in creating objects
        • There are many parameters for creating an object and sometimes not all attribute is used.
      2. We want to create multiple objects with the similar steps of creation.
        • Builder interface provides steps of creating object, and director class guides the process of building it
      3. Constructing Composite object (we can create recursive objects)
    • Benefit:
      1. Reuse builder interface to build several objects with similar steps
      2. Build recursive objects
      3. Single Responsibility Principle: we can isolate building objects and business logic
  4. Prototype
    • Use this when:
      1. We need to have a copy for an object, and copying a complex object will be such a hassle
      2. We need a copy for the object but it only exposes method for copying it through an interface. And also, the object doesn't expose all the attributes
    • Benefit:
      1. We can clone objects without depending to the concrete object class (copying through an interface)
      2. We can copy complex objects easily
  5. Singleton
    • Use this when:
      1. We want an object to be used in many part of the code.
      2. We want to have stricter control over global variable
        • The only one who can create / access the variable is the singleton class itself
    • Disadvantage:
      1. Violate single responsibility principle.
        • The code now depends on singleton class and if the singleton class and the business logic change, we have more than 1 reason to change the class.
      2. Hard to unit test since we depend on the singleton
        • solution: Maybe we can find way to mock it or just don't use this pattern
      3. Requires extra attention to multithreading programming such that the object is guaranteed only created once
      4. The part of code know to much about the other code. Bad design in general

Behavioural Design Pattern

  1. Chain of Responsibility
    • Use this when:
      1. We want to have several actions and it's too big to be handled in one handler
        • In this process we can do it step by step, asking each handler whether they are responsible to do it, or the other handler's job
      2. We want to execute several handler in a certain order
      3. We want to dynamically set the handler order
    • Benefit:
      1. We can control the order of the handler
      2. Single Responsibility Principle
        • Previously, the request is handled in a big handler, and if we separate the handler into separate handlers, then each handler will only change if there is only 1 reason to change.
      3. Open Closed Principle
        • We can introduce new handler into the code without breaking the application / changing the business logic.
  2. Command
    • We should use this:
      1. We should separate concern of handling request and show something in frontend
        • Showing something is the job of frontend code, and handling request must be processed in backend, and any request must go through 1 router, and it will route to specific interface implementation to handle the request.
    • Benefit:
      1. Single Responsibility Principle
        • We can create each request handler and each request handler only change on 1 reason only
      2. Open Closed Principle
        • We can easily add command implementation without changing main business logic code.
  3. Iterator
    • Use this when:
      1. We want to traverse a data structure and the data structure is unknown beforehand
      2. We want to traverse data structure easily and we want to hide the data structure and its complexity from client
    • Benefit:
      1. Open Closed Principle
        • We can add another data structure and its iterator without changing the business logic code
      2. Single Responsibility Principle
        • For each data structure, the way to traverse the data structure is different. Even the same data structure can be iterated differently (tree, DFS & BFS).
        • Therefore, it's better to create iteration logic in a separate class and it will only change on 1 reason.
      3. We can iterate many data structures in parallel since each iterator has it's own state
  4. Mediator
    • Use this when:
      1. There are a lot of components that are dependant to each other. This condition makes the component hard to reuse
        • Example: checkbox in form if checked must tell text field to fill dogs name. Checkbox is dependant to text field.
      2. It's hard to change a class because the class is tightly coupled to the other classes.
        • Change to this class might also means that we need to change the other classes that we are depending.
    • Benefit:
      1. Open Closed Principle
        • When we add another component and it needs different handler for action into the component, we can just add another mediator class.
      2. Single Responsibility Principle
        • We can move the communication between components into single place in mediator class
      3. We can reduce coupling between components.
      4. More component reuse
    • Disadvantage:
      1. It can become a God Class, controlling everything
  5. Memento
    • Use this when:
      1. You want to add undo / redo operation in your application
    • Benefit:
      1. We can produce snapshot without breaking encapsulation
    • Disadvantage:
      1. Big RAM usage when we need to store all the history
      2. Extra care for garbage collection when we want to discard old memento
  6. Observer
    • Use this when:
      1. We want to have pub-sub look alike application. The subscriber list is dynamic, some subscribers sometimes only last for a particular time.
    • Benefit:
      1. Open Closed Principle
        • We can add another subscribers without changing the business logic code.
  7. State
    • Use this when:
      1. We want to implement objects that has behaviour depending on its state.
    • Benefit:
      1. Single Responsibility Principle
        • Since we have each state in a different class, then it will only have 1 reason to change
      2. Open Closed Principle
        • We can add another state class without changing the business logic code.
      3. We can eliminate many state conditionals (many if(s))
    • Disadvantage:
      1. It can be overkill if the state of an object is just a few
  8. Strategy
    • Use this when:
      1. We encounter some similar classes with the difference is just the way the class behave.
      2. We are relying to much to conditional statements of almost similar code of different behaviours.
    • Benefit:
      1. Open Closed Principle
        • We can easily add more strategies without changing the business logic code.
      2. We can separate business logic code from algorithm implementation details