
A simple to-do React.JS app written for Space Cloud with authentication and basic security.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DeepScan grade

React Space Todos

A sample todo app using ReactJS, MongoDB and Space Cloud. Space Cloud is an open source backend server that exposes realtime APIs on any database.


  • Email Authentication
  • Authorization (User can view only his own todos)
  • Create, update and delete todos


  • MongoDB
  • NodeJS

Serve front-end as a static app

It's not necessary to run the webpack service for using this app. To get a static build of the front-end you simply run npm run build and create-react-app will build a production build in the build directory. This can be hosted pretty much anywhere.


Follow the below steps to get the todo app up and running

Step 1: Download Space Cloud

The first step is to download the space-cloud binary. This binary is the server connecting to your database and creating the endpoints for it.

Download the binary for your OS from here:

You can unzip the compressed archive

For Linux / Mac: unzip space-cloud.zip

For Windows: Right click on the archive and select extract here.

Make the space-cloud binary executable and add it to your path.

For Linux / Mac: chmod +x space-cloud

Step 2: Download the config file

Space Cloud needs a config file in order to function properly. It relies on the config file to load information like the database connection string, security rules, etc.

You can find the config for this todo app here. Feel free to explore the file.

Step 3: Start Space Cloud

You can start space-cloud with the following command. Make sure MongoDB is running before this step.

For Linux / Mac: ./space-cloud run --config space-cloud.yaml

For Windows: space-cloud.exe run --config space-cloud.yaml

That's it. Your backend is up and running!

Step 4: Run the React app

git clone https://github.com/didair/react-space-todos.git
cd react-space-todos
npm install
npm start

Step 5: Play with the app!

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and explore the app! Try creating some todos and deleting them.