Yet another JetBrains extension that enables you to use ChatGPT within your favorite IDE.
- 3
[Bug] Clion 2024.2.2 Golang 2024.2.2
#31 opened by jixishi - 1
Failed to resolve api.openai.com
#30 opened by gtavoalva - 8
ChatGPT encountered an error when using the custom API, resulting in a "Failed to json" message.
#25 opened by jixishi - 8
Open AI Logout
#17 opened by leasemate - 2
- 4
Pasting stops working
#23 opened by oysteinkrog - 5
#8 opened by cevatkerim - 0
Cannot init toolwindow error under Linux
#13 opened by sschueller - 1
Does not run on Android Studio Hedgehog
#15 opened by seinzer - 2
- 1
Max tokens
#11 opened by nathan-deepmm - 2
Google OAuth not working
#19 opened by titidutarn - 3
Log In with Google
#5 opened by AndrewMarkUK - 0
- 1
- 4
Color settings
#6 opened by Xn0 - 5
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'extension' of com/intellij/openapi/fileTypes/impl/FileTypeManagerImpl.getFileTypeByExtension must not be null
#7 opened by gounthar - 1
Option to add conversation history.
#4 opened by izum286 - 2
Customer server not working
#3 opened by UrsaBear - 2