Examples of some design patterns using TypeScript.
Some useful links:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk5TXytE-gs&list=PL9prAn3zOWZ4slyDs5y7VOxhb_Sc04ShD
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJkcleqxxobUJlz1Cm8WYd-F_kckkDvc8
- https://refactoring.guru/es/design-patterns
Patrones de diseño creacionales:
- Singleton
- Factory Method
- Abstract Factory
Patrones de diseño estructurales:
- Adapter
- Decorator
- Proxy
- Facade
Patrones de comportamiento:
- Command
- Observer
- Strategy
Node.js 18 or higher
Starts the application in development using nodemon
and ts-node
to do hot reloading.
Builds the app at build
, cleaning the folder first.
Starts the app in production by first building the project with npm run build
, and then executing the compiled JavaScript at build/index.js
This run the linter.
Remove the folders: "build", "coverage" and "node_modules".
Execute the test with coverage report.
Execute test using watch option.