
Spotify Clone imlemented in React & New Context API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to Get Started

$ git clone https://github.com/didemkaraaslan/Spotify.git
$ cd /Spotify
$ npm install
$ npm start


For app the perform some functionality ( play song ) you must hava a premium account. Otherwise it's alllrighty!


Login Screen

Login Page

Spotify Authentication Screen

Login Page

Dashboard Screen

Login Page

A Quote from Dan Abromov

"Things that are traditionally sync don’t have to “feel” sync. Things that are traditionally async don’t have to “feel” async. Be intentional and bridge the gap when you need."


Spotify Clone uses a number of libraries.

  • [ReactJS] - Frontend Library for awesome apps!
  • [Material UI] - Beautiful icons

Also; This project uses new React Context API with the useReducer hook ! DAMN LOVE IT.