QueryDSL type binding bug


Sample application to reproduce a bug when using QueryDSL to query an entity with custom types used in boolean fields.


Given an JPA entity with two boolean fields annotated, one of them annotated with a custom type @Type, when querying by those two fields providing the same boolean value (true, true or false, false) the generated query ends up using ?1 for both arguments (as they are considered a constant).

The generated query is

select user
from User user
where user.active = ?1 and user.admin = ?1  -- note the two arguments as ?1

when the expected would be

select user
from User user
where user.active = ?1 and user.admin = ?2

Steps to reproduce

Run the tests with:

./mvnw test

By default, there are some loggers to DEBUG and TRACE to clarify the issue.