
Climate Change Climate Action

2021 all the World was in Lockdown because #COVID19 CO2 emissions should decrease air planes

cars ships bus travels use decreased factories closed all the people indoor but we seen a warmest

#climate year the only to suspect is !!! cogito ergo sum

We are running out of time Stop Internet Stop using Pcs and Laptops Stop Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies Cogito Ergo Sum

There is no planet B we are running out of time

We run out of time do a calculation 1 #Belgium pc user 8h/day emit 175 kg of CO2/year what about

all #Belgium pc users,#EU,#Uk,#USA,#Canada,#China,#India,#Japan,#Korea,#Australia all the World and the

problem is more worser with #blockchain & #cryptocurrencies

We are running out of time we must stop massive use of Pcs and Laptops around the World and #blockchain and #cryptocurrency

the article above dates since 2009 no blockchain nor cryptocurrencies at that time now we are 2022

We must stop Internet, use of pcs and laptops for a while till we adopt renewable clean energy for telecommunications.

Minds, like parachutes, function best when open. ,,,

                (o o)

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| Wadï Mami didipostman

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Twitter : @MamiWad3


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