
Headless testing example

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a very basic example of headless BDD testing using Cucumber, Capybara, Mechanize and RSpec.

Usage (Only tested on Mac):


Install PhantomJS: brew install phantomjs

Clone this repository onto your system

Install RVM https://rvm.io/rvm/install/

Install Ruby Enterprise Edition ( rvm install ree; rvm use ree --default ) - There is a .rvmrc file in the root directory which should do this for you when you change into the root directory.

From the root directory, run bundle install

Now run selenium install

This will install the required ruby gems.

Setup a vhost on your system, and add a line to your hosts file so you can access index.html from a web browser. You can configure the hostname in 'config/environment.yml'

Run cucumber and watch the tests pass and fail.

Chrome Testing

Install a chrome selenium driver by downloading it and placing it somewhere in your PATH.


Safari Testing

Go have some fun installing:


With Love,
