
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple JavaScript SDK for BEdita API based on axios. It is fully written in Typescript and then compiled to JavaScript. Use it as you prefer.


yarn add @atlas/bedita-sdk

Getting started

The following code uses Promise but you can take advantage of async functions and await operator.

import { ApiProvider } from '@atlasconsulting/bedita-sdk';

// The first argument is the name of the client
// used to register that specific client
const client = ApiProvider.get('bedita', {
    baseUrl: 'https://api-bedita.example.com',
    apiKey: '123456',

    .then(response => {

// Authenticate user.
// After authentication the Authorization header will be added to every request.
// The client take cares of JWT token renew too.
client.authenticate('username', 'password')
    .then(response => {
        // Use save() to create or update an object.
        // To update the object add object id to data
        client.save('documents', {
            title: 'My document',
            description: 'The description is here',

After having configured a client you can get that instance everywhere

import { ApiProvider } from '@atlas/bedita-sdk';

// get the previous registered client
const client = ApiProvider.get('bedita');

// get user data previously authenticated
    .then(response => {
        // the formattedData property contain a modified response data

In this way it is possible to instantiate different BEdita API clients distinguished by name.


The client take advantage of Axios Interceptors to intercept request and response before they are handled by then or catch.

A set of default interceptor are always used:

  • AuthInterceptor is responsible for adding Authorization header if needed
  • ContentTypeInterceptor set default content type if no one is passed
  • RefreshAuthInterceptor is responsible for refreshing the access token when expired

An interceptor can be added to the client or to a request. When added to the client it will be used unless it was removed.

import { ApiProvider, MapIncludedInterceptor } from '@atlas/bedita-sdk';

const client = ApiProvider.get('bedita');
// Map included data inside the relationships
client.addInterceptor(new MapIncludedInterceptor());

A request interceptor must implements RequestInterceptorInterface. A response interceptor must implements ResponseInterceptorInterface.




  • run docker image of BEdita API as

    docker run -p 8090:80 --env BEDITA_ADMIN_USR=admin --env BEDITA_ADMIN_PWD=admin --env BEDITA_API_KEY=1234567890 bedita/bedita:latest

    Set the values you want for BEDITA_ADMIN_USR, BEDITA_ADMIN_PWD and BEDITA_API_KEY and the version of docker image, for example bedita/bedita:4.6.1.

  • run test with yarn test

  • launch yarn coverage if you want a coverage report


  • run eslint as follows:

    yarn lint