
Save progress from Typey Type for Stenographers using an Alfred workflow and script for macOS

Primary LanguageShell

Save Typey Type Progress

This project is for saving progress from Typey Type for Stenographers.


  • Script for macOS to save text from clipboard to a text file with a timestamp e.g. ./steno-progress/Wed-31-Oct-2018-1540935304.txt.
  • Alfred workflow for macOS to run the script.


  1. Download the script, typey-type-progress
  2. Update the script with your own paths where it says "$HOME/Dropbox/steno/steno-progress/"
  3. Download the Alfred workflow. Double-click to install it.
  4. Update path in Alfred workflow "Run Script" to the location of your script.

Optionally, choose an Alfred hotkey, such as ⌃⌥⌘⇧T, and add an entry to your steno dictionary, such as "TAO*EUPZ": "{#Control_L(Alt_L(Super_L(Shift_L(t))))}",

To make the script executable, you can run chmod +x ./typey-type-progress.

When choosing a path for your script and saving your Typey Type progress, you might consider saving it to a location shared across devices, such as Dropbox.

If you want git versioning, initialise a git repo in the folder with your script and uncomment the git lines in the script.


Every time you finish a study session on Typey Type, copy your progress from the progress page and run the Alfred workflow (or script) to save it automatically to a file.