Some explanation

  • Implement Bulma
  • Get URL params in dynamic pages

Implement Bulma

First of all you want to donwload all the packages that will be used.

npm i -D bulma (moment chart.js rollup-plugin-css-only) (npm i axios)

  1. In rollup.config.js you should import css from 'rollup-plugin-css-only on the top. Then, in the client plugins add a new one: css({ output: 'static/extra.css' }). To not forget to comma.
  2. In src/client.js you can import 'bulma/css/bulma.min.css. I just discovered I can track what I'm importing, I just have to take a walk in the node_modules.
  3. Finally insert <link rel="stylesheet" href="extra.css" /> in src/template.html.
  4. Run the dev-server and drop a look in the network tab; extra.css should be donwloaded with the rest. If so, Bulba is correctly implemented in your project.

Get URL params in dynamic pages

  1. You create a [state].svelte in the routes folder.
<script context="module">
  export async function preload(page) {
    return { state: page.params["state"] };

   export let state


If you get to /my-test on the page there will be written my-test