
Repository to reproduce a container based lambda runtime error

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SST Lambda Container Runtime Error

This repo is to reproduce the runtime error posted in the SST Discord

To test this repo, run pnpm i and then pnpm run deploy-aws

You may need to set the AWS_* environment variables

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<value>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<value>

Error description

The error is

INIT_REPORT Init Duration: 45045.46 ms    Phase: invoke    Status: error    Error Type: Runtime.Unknown

This is happening when I deploy from my M1 Macbook using the sst deploy --stage dev --region us-east-1 command (SST v2.36.7). It is consistently inconsistent on when I hit the error as sometime running the deploy command it works perfectly (without any changes) and sometimes it fails with the Runtime.Unknown error. I have also seen this happening from gitlab CICD worker.

My dockerfile looks like

# Start from AWS Python 3.11 base image
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/python:3.11

# Install the dependencies
COPY requirements.txt .

RUN yum install -y \
    mesa-libGL \
    glib2 \

RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt --target "${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}"

# Copy our function code

# Set the handler function
CMD [ "main.handler" ]

Which is similar to this dockerfile in this thread about the same issue.

The stack definition looks like

import { Function } from 'sst/constructs';
new Function(stack, 'python-11-func', {
    runtime: 'container',
    handler: 'python/lambda/',
    timeout: 45,
    permissions: [
        // PolicyStatements here...
    container: { file: 'Dockerfile' },

Testing/Debugging Notes

  1. I was not able to reproduce the issue until I added the following code to the handler method from the Ultralytics Github example
model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt")

results = model("https://ultralytics.com/images/bus.jpg")  # predict on an image

A simple "Hello World" did not cause the runtime error

  1. When I got the error reproduced in this repo, the lambda response was
INIT_REPORT Init Duration: 10337.01 ms	Phase: init	Status: timeout
[WARNING]	2024-01-29T16:40:40.116Z		Matplotlib created a temporary cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-gezy8jcr because the default path (/home/sbx_user1051/.config/matplotlib) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing.
INIT_REPORT Init Duration: 45045.69 ms	Phase: invoke	Status: error	Error Type: Runtime.Unknown
START RequestId: <guid> Version: $LATEST
2024-01-29T16:41:15.998Z <guid> Task timed out after 45.05 seconds

END RequestId: <guid>
REPORT RequestId: <guid>	Duration: 45054.87 ms	Billed Duration: 45000 ms	Memory Size: 1024 MB	Max Memory Used: 278 MB
  1. If the same container is deployed more than once, the problem usually goes away. I.e. on the second deploy. I have seen rare cases where this could take redeploying 3-5 times for the problem to go away

  2. When the function actually runs, I do not expect it to be successful. The function should fail with downloading the yolov8n.pt file from github.