Nestjs Kafka Microservices

How to run Kafka locally

You need to have docker installed and run

docker-compose up -d

It will serve a kafka ui dashboard in port 8080 http://localhost:8080/

Running the producer

The producer code is in the producer folder and serves a small scaffold that contains the configuration of the producer.

Inside the producer folder run npm install
Run the producer in dev mode npm run start:dev

Running the consumer

The consumer code is in the consumer folder and serves a small scaffold that contains the configuration of the consumer.

Inside the consumer folder run npm install
Run the consumer in dev mode npm run start:dev

Test the App

GET to http://localhost:3000/kafka-test to emit a JSON message to the topic.

request/response approach

GET to http://localhost:3000/kafka-test-with-response

Please do not ever use hardcoded configuration in your projects. Use at least a .env instead.

Reference Article