
a qwik component library for date selection

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Qwik calendar, simple integration

qwik-date is an opinionated calendar component designed for the Qwik framework. It offers two main versions: an inline calendar and a popup date picker, providing flexibility in how you integrate it into your applications.


You can install qwik-date using any of the following package managers:

npm install -D -E qwik-date
pnpm add -D -E qwik-date
bun add -D -E qwik-date
yarn add -D -E qwik-date


Inline Calendar

The inline calendar can be imported in two ways:

import { Calendar } from 'qwik-date';
import { CalendarInline } from 'qwik-date/inline';

Inline Calendar Example

Here's a basic example of how to use the inline calendar:

import { component$, useSignal } from '@builder.io/qwik';
import { CalendarInline } from 'qwik-date/inline';

export default component$(() => {
  const date = useSignal('2023-07-23');
  return (
      onDateChange$={(newDate) => console.log({ newDate })} 


  • date: Initial date to display (default: current date).
  • fullWeeks: If true, shows full weeks (default: false).
  • locale: Locale for the calendar (default: 'en').
  • showWeekNumber: If true, shows week numbers (default: false).
  • showDaysOfWeek: If true, shows days of the week Mo, Tu, We, etc. (default: true).
  • iconLeft, iconRight: Custom icons for navigation buttons.
  • containerProps, headerProps, actionButtonProps, actionLeftProps, actionRightProps, calendarProps, theadProps, tbodyProps, theadRowProps, tbodyRowProps, headerCellProps, cellProps, dayButtonProps, iconProps, titleProps, weekNumberProps: Custom props for various parts of the component.
  • onDateChange$: Callback for when the date changes.
  • unStyled: If true, removes default styling (default: false).

Popup Date Picker

The popup date picker can be imported in two ways:

import { DatePicker } from 'qwik-date';
import { DatePicker } from 'qwik-date/picker';

Popup Date Picker Example

Here's a basic example of how to use the popup date picker:

import { component$, useSignal } from '@builder.io/qwik';
import { DatePicker } from 'qwik-date/picker';

export default component$(() => {
  const date = useSignal('2023-07-23');
  return (
      onDateChange$={(newDate) => console.log({ newDate })}
      triggerLabel="Select Date"


  • triggerProps: Custom props for the trigger button.
  • triggerLabel: Label for the trigger button.
  • triggerIcon: Custom icon for the trigger button.
  • mode: Mode of the date picker ('popup' or 'inline', default: 'popup').
  • All other props from CalendarInline can also be used.


  • Add support for additional locales.
  • range date selection
  • month and year navigation
  • Custom date ranges (last 7 days, next 30d)
  • Fancy animations (styled version)
  • website docs: easy to read, understand and implement.