
latest-version CITATION-cff DOI

A GitHub action to validate CITATION.cff files with R.


If you have a Citation File Format (cff) on your repository this action would check its validity against the defined schema.

A full valid workflow:

      - CITATION.cff

name: CITATION.cff
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Validate CITATION.cff
      GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      RSPM: ""

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # This is needed for workflows running on
      # ubuntu-20.04 or later
      - name: Install V8
        if: runner.os == 'Linux'
        run: |
          sudo apt-get install -y libv8-dev
      - name: Validate CITATION.cff
        uses: dieghernan/cff-validator@main

      # Upload artifact
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        if: failure()
          name: citation-cff-errors

On error, the action shows the results of the validation highlighting the fields with errors.

It also generates an artifact named citation-cff-errors that includes a markdown file with a high-level summary of the errors found: Table: **./examples/key-error/CITATION.cff errors:**
field message
data has additional properties
data.authors.0 no schemas match
data.doi referenced schema does not match
data.keywords.0 is the wrong type
data.license referenced schema does not match
data.url referenced schema does not match

See Guide to Citation File Format schema version 1.2.0 for debugging.

For more examples, see the actions provided on this path.

Add a badge to your repo

You can easily create a badge showing the current status of validation of your CITATION.cff like this:


CITATION-cff error

See a quick demo:

Inputs available

  • citation-path: Path to .cff file to be validated. By default it selects a CITATION.cff file on the root of the repository:
  - name: Validate CITATION.cff
    uses: dieghernan/cff-validator@main
      citation-path: "examples/CITATION.cff"

Building on Linux

This action relies on the R package V8, that has some extra requirements when running on Linux systems. You would need to add the following steps to your action in order to make it run:

      # This is needed for workflows running on
      # ubuntu-20.04 or later
      - name: Install V8 
        run: |
          sudo apt-get install -y libv8-dev
      # This is needed for workflows running on
      # previous versions of ubuntu
      - name: Install V8 on old ubuntu
        run: |
          # Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) and Bionic (18.04) only
          sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cran/v8
          sudo apt-get update
          sudo apt-get install libnode-dev

See a full featured implementation on this example.

Under the hood (for useRs)

This action runs a R script that can be easily replicated. See a full reprex:

R script
# install_cran(c("yaml","jsonlite", "jsonvalidate", "knitr")

citation_path <- "./key-error/CITATION.cff"

citfile <- yaml::read_yaml(citation_path)
# All elements to character
citfile <- rapply(citfile, function(x) as.character(x), how = "replace")

# Convert to json
cit_temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
jsonlite::write_json(citfile, cit_temp, pretty = TRUE)

# Manage brackets
citfile_clean <- readLines(cit_temp)

# Search brackets to keep
# Keep ending and starting
keep_lines <- grep('", "', citfile_clean)
keep_lines <- c(keep_lines, grep("\\[$", citfile_clean))
keep_lines <- c(keep_lines, grep(" \\],", citfile_clean))
keep_lines <- c(keep_lines, grep(" \\]$", citfile_clean))
keep_lines <- sort(unique(keep_lines))

if (all(keep_lines > 0)) {
  keep_string <- citfile_clean[keep_lines]
  citfile_clean[keep_lines] <- ""
# Remove rest of brackets
citfile_clean <- gsub('["', '"', citfile_clean, fixed = TRUE)
citfile_clean <- gsub('"]', '"', citfile_clean, fixed = TRUE)

if (all(keep_lines > 0)) {
  # Add "good" brackets back
  citfile_clean[keep_lines] <- keep_string

writeLines(citfile_clean, cit_temp)

# Download latest scheme
schema_temp <- tempfile("schema", fileext = ".json")
  mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE

# Validate
result <- jsonvalidate::json_validate(cit_temp,
  verbose = TRUE
# Results
#> ------
if (result == FALSE) {
    align = "l",
    caption = paste(citation_path, "errors:")

  stop(citation_path, "file not valid. See Artifact: citation-cff-errors for details.")
} else {
  message(citation_path, "is valid.")
#> Table: ./key-error/CITATION.cff errors:
#> |field           |message                          |
#> |:---------------|:--------------------------------|
#> |data            |has additional properties        |
#> |data.authors.0  |no schemas match                 |
#> |data.doi        |referenced schema does not match |
#> |data.keywords.0 |is the wrong type                |
#> |data.license    |referenced schema does not match |
#> |data.url        |referenced schema does not match |
#> ------
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): ./key-error/CITATION.cfffile not valid. See Artifact: citation-cff-errors for details.

Created on 2021-09-06 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)


Druskat, S., Spaaks, J. H., Chue Hong, N., Haines, R., Baker, J., Bliven, S., Willighagen, E., Pérez-Suárez, D., & Konovalov, A. (2021). Citation File Format (Version 1.2.0) [Computer software].