
BeachHack on AWS Lambda: stock alert for Mads

Primary LanguageJava


BeachHack on AWS Lambda: stock alert for Mads

AWS Setup

User setup

  • Get access to the AWS Account used for this project
  • Go into IAM and create a new user, make sure that you generate an AWS Access Key and Secret for the user, tick "Programmatic access"(keep these values as you won't be able to get the secret again).
  • Assign the user to the beachhackers group, as this will give the user the correct permissions.


  • Install awscli as per Installing the AWS Command Line Interface or use homebrew if on a Mac.
  • On your machine use the AWS CLI and run aws configure this will as you for the access key, access secret and the default region; use the values from when you created the IAM user and use 'us-east-2' (Ohio) for the default region

Build and Deploy

To build and deploy the 'BeachHack' lambda function as well as the front-end in beach_hack_ui, do a mvn clean package deploy.


There are three ways to invoke the Lambda function:

Getting Notifications

Add a 'email' subscription to the SNS topic low_stock_alert topic. You will get a confirmation email from AWS SNS, then follow the link in there to activate your subscription.