
EKS cluster used for labs and containscloud.com posts

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

EKS Cluster Lab

📄 The terraform available on this repository creates an EKS Cluster and all necessary infrastructure around it. It is used in most of the labs and guides published on contains(cloud) ☁️.

⚠️ The terraform code tries to use as many as free tiers as possible and is not recommended to be used in production.

📍 K8s version: 1.31

📝 Features activated:

EKS Pod Identity Agent

✓ Public access


Kube Proxy


Creating and connecting to the cluster

To create and connect to the EKS cluster, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in on AWS using AWS CLI

    aws sso login --profile <my-profile>
  2. Run terraform

    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply
  3. Connect to the EKS

    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <eks-name>


This code is licensed under the MIT License.