Employee Checker - Ruby on Rails REST API

This API is organized under REST principles. Uses standard HTTP response codes and verbs. In order to consume this API you need to add an Authorization key header holding an authentication token as its value.

This API helps you manage the entry and exit of your employees. Handle that information within Access Reports.

Built With

  • Ruby 2.6.3
  • Ruby on Rails 5.2.3
  • RSpec
  • Active Record / PostgreSQL
  • JWT
  • bcrypt
  • Factory Bot
  • Faker
  • RSpec - Rails
  • Shoulda Matchers
  • Rack-CORS

API Endpoint


Getting Started

Clone or download this Repository.


  • Ruby -v > 2
  • Rails -v 5.2.3
  • Faker
  • A client that can consume this API.


$ bundle install


$ rails db:create $ rails db:migrate $ rails db:seed

Localhost API Endpoint

Run the following command on your terminal: $ rails start, and start requesting using this endpoint: https://localhost:3000

Run tests

Run the 42 tests suite $ rspec


👤 Diego Luis Arvizu Gutiérrez

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is Licensed under MIT