
Test's for numpy's numpy.linalg module.

Primary LanguagePython

Software Testing Project

Tests for numpy's numpy.linalg module.


  • Make sure you have installed pip and your system's Python version is 2.7.x
  • Install requirements by running pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Unit Tests

  • Single module: python -m unittest tests.test_matrix_power
  • Single test (within a module): python -m unittest tests.test_matrix_power.TestMatrixPower.test_matrix_squared
  • All tests: python -m unittest discover

Running Coverage

  • Run all tests (or any variation from above): coverage run --branch -m unittest discover
  • Display report in command line: coverage report -m
  • Build HTML page with report: coverage html
    • Note: I have ignored the entire /htmlcov dir from git in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts

Creating More Tests

  • White-box test
  • Black-box test
    • Create module for the method which will be tested in tests/test_<method_name>.py
    • Import method from numpy as from numpy.linalg import <method_name>
    • See ./tests/test_det.py for a setup example