Quake III Arena Log Parser

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This project is a log parser for Quake III Arena, a popular first-person shooter game released in 1999.

The parser can extract a variety of information from the game logs, including:

  • From each match, it can extract:
    • Player names
    • Total kills by player
    • Total kills from match
    • Total deaths by it cause

Key Features

  • Clean Architecture: The project is designed using the principles of Clean Architecture, which promotes separation of concerns, modularity, and testability.
  • Comprehensive Parsing: The parser can extract a wide range of information from the game logs.
  • Well-Tested: All layers of the codebase are tested to ensure reliability and robustness.

Project architecture:

For the presentation layer, which I refer to as the transport layer, its purpose is to handle data transportation. It is responsible for receiving line text and send to application layer, where it will orchestrate the business logic.


The parsed data is written to a JSON file named result.json. This file contains information about each match, structured as follows:

  "game_001": {                        // Identifier for the match (e.g., "game_001")
        "total_kills": 11,             // Total number of kills in the match
        "players": [                   // List of players who participated
        "kills": {                     // Kills attributed to each player (can be negative for if killed by <world>)
            "Isgalamido": -2
            "Mocinha": 5
        "kills_by_means": {            // Kills by means of damage (e.g., weapon types / death causes)
            "MOD_FALLING": 1,
            "MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH": 3,
            "MOD_TRIGGER_HURT": 7


  • Suicides: Suicides (kills by the player on themself) are not currently counted for the player. But it is counted on game TotalKills. Ex:
    • 22:18 Kill: 2 2 7: Isgalamido killed Isgalamido by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
  • Change Name: the parser currently tracks the player name used most recently during the match, as player names can change in-game.

💻 Getting Started

Prerequisites ❗

  • An installation of Go 1.21.0 or later. For installation instructions, see Installing Go.
  • A log file from Game lll Arena

▶️ Launching the Application

To execute the application, run the command bellow in the root path:

make start

Once you see the message a log with Execution time:, then the program was executed.

▶️ Specifying a Log File Path:

By default, the application will use the qgames.log file located in the project repository. However, you can specify a different log file path using the logpath flag:

make start logpath=./somelocation/log.log
  • The logpath flag allows you to specify the path to the Quake III Arena log file you want to parse.
  • In this example, the application will use the file located at ./somelocation/log.log.
  • You can use absolute or relative paths for the logpath flag.
  • Ensure the specified file exists and has read permissions.

Running tests

make tests