This project was created with part of my process to apply my knowledge in React.js/Redux/Javascript and I was applying the following aspects of this technologies.

I built some features like, CRUD of products, categories, accessing API.

Table of Contents

  • [React](in general)
  • [Redux](avoiding to maintain states inside the components)
  • [Axios](For consuming the API)


  • Node.js
  • json-server
  • Others will be added via npm install


For install you just need to clone the project and then run the following commands:

  • First of all install json-server npm -g install json-server
  • Open a second tab of the terminal, enter in the folder of the db.json file and run json-server --watch db.json --port 3001
  • In the other tab/window of terminal run npm start this command will run the app at the address http://localhost:3000.