
A simple tutorial for using a PIR Sensor with the Raspberry Pi Zero W.

Primary LanguagePython

PIR Sensor Example

This example creates uses the Geeny SDK to relay the PIR data using a Raspberry Pi Zero.

Step 0

Connect to your Geeny Enabled Raspberry Pi Zero.

Step 1

  • Upload and configure the pir.py to your Raspberry Pi.

  • Modify the pir.py and set the following variables:


The SERIAL_NUMBER can be obtained by registering a new device through the geeny-hub service running in the Rpi.

  1. Log in to the geeny-hub.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
  -d '{"email":"<your-user>","password":"<your-password>"}' \
  1. Register the thing the instance will use.
curl -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "name": "<name-of-your-thing>",
        "serial_number": "<your-serial-number>",
        "thing_type": "877827cc-0c78-4e55-80fe-2941479c681a"
        }' \
    'http://localhost:9000/api/v1/things' > thing.info

Step 2

Connect the PIR to the Raspberry Pi

The PIR sensor has 3 pins. Signal, Ground and Vcc as shown in the picture.


We'll be pluging those to the 11th, 6th and 2nd pin which correspond to GPIO 17, Ground and 5v.


Step 3 (Test)

Ssh into your raspberry pi.

python pir.py

Should output the following when motion is detected.

GPIO setup done
publishing message...


Most of this tutorial was created using the really nice tutorial from here: https://maker.pro/education/bluetooth-basics-how-to-control-an-led-using-a-smartphone-and-arduino-1