
Going through some Pony Tutorials + Notes

Primary LanguagePony

Installation in OSX

brew install libressl
sh -c "$(curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ponylang/ponyup/latest-release/ponyup-init.sh)"

Add the pony path to the environment:


export PATH=<YOUR-HOME-PATH>/.local/share/ponyup/bin:$PATH

Update Pony to have a release version.

ponyup update ponyc release

Making something bigger than a ToyExample

If you want to play with other libraries, install the package manager corral

ponyup update corral release

Make sure to init the corral project with:

corral init

Add packages with:

corral add github.com/ponylang/net_ssl.git

Fetch packages with:

corral fetch

Run project with dependencies:

corral run -- ponyc