
A simple webmocking library based on VCR for Erlang

Primary LanguageErlang


VHS is a webmocking framework for Erlang inspired by Ruby's vcr gem. In the moment it only supports the ibrowse http client, but support for other libraries should be easy to add.

Show me the code

  vhs:configure(ibrowse, []),
                   fun() ->
                       Response = ibrowse:send_req("http://www.iana.org/domains/example",

                       %% Uses the same structure of the mocked library.
                       {ok, Status, _Headers, Body} = Response,
                       ?assert_equal(Status, "200"),
                       ?assert(contains(Body, "Example Domain"))

How does it work?

VHS uses Meck to wrap ibrowse's send_req function and check whether the request has been performed already. The first time, vhs will record the request-response into a file, for later calls.


The tests are using in etest. In order to run the tests locally you just have to run the following command:


This will spawn a static server, compile the code and run the tests.


Pull Request. And always add a test to account for the behavior change/Feature.