
Basic 2D game framework for creating HTML5 / CSS3 / Javascript games

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A basic 2D game framework for creating HTML5 / CSS3 / Javascript games. It holds a number of javascript prototypes that can be extended to implement our own game "classes".


Base class for a game

Implement the game.js prototype to create your game. It gives you a structure to manage the basic game loop, drawing and other goodies.


Actors are the old well-known sprites in 2D games. Sprites can collide with other sprites. Examples are: your character, your enemies, things you have to shot, etc. Actors know how to draw themselves, detect collisions, etc.

Controlling the game

The framework helps you to control the game using the keyboard (keyboard.js), mouse (mouse.js) and touchscreens (touch.js). Control is high definition (i.e. not events, but game-loop base controlling).


Use the audio_library.js prototype to play sounds and music

Other goodies

  • Create intro menues using menu.js and menu_option.js so the player can configure the game
  • Show frames per second onscreen using frames_per_second.js
  • Scale your game to any resolution using screen_scaler.js
  • Animate both using a timer and requestAnimationFrame depending on your convenience

How to use

Just add it as a submodule or a subtree (subtree should be enough) to your src folder

Implementation references