A source code generator for automatically implementing IEquatable<T> using only attributes.
- 2
Probably, the generator is not incremental
#56 opened by lsoft - 0
#66 opened by JKamsker - 0
Add diagnostics
#65 opened by JKamsker - 2
- 2
- 5
Remove the runtime dependency
#23 opened by diegofrata - 4
Compatibility with the mvvm community toolkit
#58 opened by jbooth88 - 2
Add license information in csproj/Nuget
#57 opened by LiorBanai - 5
Feature Request: Would be great to be able to enumerate the properties that are different!
#50 opened by Simonl9l - 4
Implementation of an attribute for properties with System.Double Type to indicate the level of precision?
#12 opened by marlond18 - 2
Feature Request: Create comparer for strings
#52 opened by skarllot - 7
`IEnumerable<T>` property marked by `[UnorderedEquality]` causes exception during generation
#53 opened by Themplarer - 1
- 4
- 16
Inherited classes Equals ignored when using OrderedEquality on an array of the base class
#40 opened by christianrondeau - 6
- 0
Support C# 9 top-level statements
#4 opened by diegofrata - 6
- 2
Support for Record Struct
#32 opened by wainwrightmark - 4
Support for struct
#28 opened by Socolin - 0
Replace MSTest and NUnit with Xunit.
#27 opened by diegofrata - 3
Explicit mode
#22 opened by HavenDV - 0
- 2
Suppress obsolete warnings in generated code
#19 opened by fjmorel - 5
- 1
- 1
Compiler-error with static properties
#17 opened by bastianeicher - 2
No Licence?
#13 opened by Romanx - 4
Missing XML comments on generated code
#9 opened by Romanx - 0
- 4
DictionaryEquality is redundant
#5 opened by PatrikBak - 1
Support for Reference Equality
#3 opened by megakid - 1
README contains an uncompilable code
#6 opened by PatrikBak - 6
- 2
Support for unordered sequence equality
#1 opened by megakid