#Form Test
##Grunt plugins avaialable:
- grunt-contrib-compass - Compile SASS to CSS - must install compass through ruby cml -> gem install compass
- grunt-contrib-jshint - Helps to detect errors and keep the JavaScript code consistent
- grunt-contrib-ugligy - Minimify JavaScript files
- grunt-contrib-watch - Runn predefined tasks whener watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted
- grunt-open - Opens urls and files from a grunt task
- grunt-inject - Injects references to files into other files - js and css
- time-grunt - Shows the execution time for grunt tasks
##Run locally
You need to install Node.JS and then the development tools.
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install && bower-install
Then you will need to run the Node.JS server
node server.js
So then you can run the client application
##Deployed version
The application is deployed on heroku - (form-test.herokuapp.com)