
Contentful UI-Extension based on Clearbit API to auto-populate company data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Company Selector Contentful UI Extension

Contentful UI Extension to get company information from Clearbit free autocomplete API


How it Works

This UI extension uses React under the hood. It will create a dropdown field using react-select and connects it to Clearbit free automcomplete API. Providing the user a with an easy to interact field with autocomplete to select a company from it.


You must deploy this application on your own. It exceeds the limits from Contentful so it requires to be self-hosted. This can be done easily with services like now from zeit

Follow the instruction on how to upload your own extension here.

How to enable it

To enable the extension go to a content type of your choice and add a new field of type Text. In the appearance panel you can then find the Clearbit company selector extension.

Dev Setup

Clone this project. Install dependencies by running yarn. Configure an .env file:

SPACE_ID={space id from contentful admin}
CONTENTFUL_MANAGEMENT_ACCESS_TOKEN={management token from contentful admin}


Use styles provided by https://contentful.github.io/ui-extensions-sdk/cf-extension.css

Available commands

  • yarn start - Start server in development mode for local development
  • yarn build - Builds deployable UI extension
  • yarn deploy - Deploys extension to Contentful