
Hey hey people, Diego here

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This challenge involves the creation of a multi-user task manager web application. The application should include the following features:

  • User Registration
  • User Authentication (login/logout)
  • Visualize, add, edit and remove user projects
  • Visualize, add, edit and remove tasks associated with the projects


  • One user may have several projects
  • One user can access his projects only
  • Each project may include multiple tasks
  • Each task must have a description, creation date and finish date
  • The user needs to have a simple option to mark the tasks as completed when accessing the task list
  • Each task should have its termination date visible as a tooltip, if available, and some visual way of identifying its status
  • A task that was defined as finished should not be edited nor removed
  • When a task or Project is added our deleted, the page should not fully refresh, so that users have a good experience Non funcional requirements
  • The application should be written in Javascript.
  • The application backend should be written in Node.js or GoLang.
  • The authentication and registration layers should be coded and not based on pre-existing modules (such as Passport).
  • For the frontend, javascript frameworks can be used (Angular, React, Polymer or others).
  • Components should be used to promote increased code reusage (react or angular components, webcomponents or other alternatives)


  • Build tools (e.g. grunt or gulp)
  • Unit tests


  • use Tailwind;
  • you have a total of 2 days (or 30 hours);
  • use docker-compose and create a containerized environment;