Hash Code Google 2018

Code for the Google Hashcode 2018

You can find the details about the code on my blog. Test round

Test Round

Final Score: 47,953,286 Score per file:

File Score
example.in 12
small.in 35
medium.in 49216
big.in 894448


Qualification Round

Final Score: 47,953,286 Score per file:

File Score
a_example.in 10
b_should_be_easy.in 176852
c_no_hurry.in 15786954
d_metropolis.in 11479259
e_high_bonus.in 20510211


Made by

  • Diego Luiz (/diegoluiz)
  • Paolo Piaggesi (/paolopiaggio)
  • Salvatore Previti (/SalvatorePreviti)